The Singular Brilliance of Lidia Souza

At the heart of this guide is Lidia Souza, a renowned journalist and passionate entrepreneur whose unique, practical approach to empowering young entrepreneurs is a beacon of inspiration.


Academic Excellence

Your remarkable journey, shaped by the fusion of talent, practical experience and solid academic knowledge, makes this book recommended and indispensable reading for those who aspire to lead in business.

American Dream

An Entrepreneurial Odyssey About to Bloom

The Path of the Young Entrepreneur” by Lidia Souza. This work is not just a book; It's an immersive journey, a true entrepreneurial odyssey that promises to guide and inspire young visionaries to transform their ideas into successful ventures.

Edivaldo Fontes

Compromisso Educacional

Como figura-chave no projeto JEPP com o SEBRAE MS, Lidia Souza desempenhou um papel crucial no desenvolvimento de habilidades empreendedoras em crianças e jovens.